The 2021 Shaman King anime series is based on the manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Hiroyuki Takei. The anime television series announced that it would adapt the 35 volumes of the new complete manga edition. The anime is produced by Bridge and directed by Joji Furuta, with series composition by Shōji Yonemura, character designs by Satohiko Sano and music composed by Yuki Hayashi. It aired from April 1, 2021, to April 21, 2022, on TV Tokyo and various other TX Network stations. Netflix acquired global streaming rights to the series and released the first cour consisting of 13 episodes, outside Japan on August 9, 2021. The series features several returning cast members from the 2001 anime series in both the Japanese and the English dub Shamans possess mysterious powers that allow them to commune with gods, spirits, and even the dead…and Manta Oyamada’s about to learn all about them, because his class just welcomed a new transfer student: Yoh Asakura, a boy from way off in Izumo…and a shaman in training!
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