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Web3 and Blockchain Games: A licensing revolution?
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of Web3 games and how licensors can be part of the revolution.
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Web3 Intro
What is Web3 Gaming and what are the common terms
Past vs Present
Differences between 'traditional' video games and Web3 games
Benefits of licensing into Web3 games and how to effectively do it
from our industry.
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“A killer feature of licensed NFTs is that licensors can choose to get paid a royalty on all secondary market transactions, meaning that if an NFT goes up in value and gets sold among fans 5 years from now, there can still be a royalty percentage that can go back to the licensor. This is a really exciting innovation in the world of IP and licensing.”
Juan Felipe Campos
Partnerships at Upland
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With so many resources on the internet it’s hard to find legitimate sources. Layer uses real industry sources and experts to create helpful information for game developers and IP holders alike to help make the licensing easier for everyone!